Living, learning, creating,loving at home and in nature..
Ever have an idea for a project that you get so excited about? But then, after you get started on it, it seems like you just may have bit off much more than you could chew? That is how my latest work in progress has been for me. I wanted to make a baby gift for a dear friend of mine. Something handmade that could really be useful. So I decided to weave her a baby wrap. Now, up until this point, my weaving experience has been limited to place mats, cloth for bags and scarves. In reality, I probably should not have even considered such a task. But, I did. I went and bought all the colorful cotton and wool yarn to get started on it and then I got to the warp.. which took me nearly 5 hours! I was ready to give up then, but I had too much into it at this point to do that. So, slowly but surely I got to weaving on it. I had about a week that I had so many frustrations that I refused to work on it, simply because I feel like I am weaving my intentions for this new little life and the family it is coming into, into this wrap. I could not stand the thought of the babe being wrapped in frustrations. So I left it alone. Came back to it and since then, things have moved right along. Day after day of weaving in loving thoughts and wishes of good health and so much more for this baby. I have about 4 yards of the 5 yards done, and I am getting so excited to take it off the loom and see the finished piece, and I am even more excited to give it to my friend once she welcomes her new babe into the world!